Earthly Hog,
Happy as shit to see my last party on earth won a decade award. (Not
that I ever have to shit again - I can eat all I want and everything
and never have to shit, it's HOG HEAVEN.)
Sorry as shit I had to die to
get it!!
But damn it Zip you owe me a lot more then that for playing footsie
with me in my coffin! Like maybe the first posthumous SUPER HOG
AWARD, after all I am the only hog communicating from the great
beyond! Isn't that worthy of some HOG AWARD?
It's a damn good thing the
funeral director took my hint and tied it to my shoe. It didn't
surprise me a bit that you'd try some lame brain antic like that.
But you know what I always said - payback's a bitch - especially
from a heavenly hog!
From Hog Heaven,
Forever Your Holy Hog,
Hog Rock Reply
Jammer, it's great to hear
from you but you're still full of shit. Here we gave you both
Dead Man of the Decade and Funeral of the Decade
and you're still bitching. Just remember, you may be
in Hog Heaven but you'll never be a Super Hog.
I read with much delight
and viewed the pics with fond memories. BUT am a little miffed
that none of your Hogettes made the cut..
What gives. .??????
If nothing else, an
"honorable mention" should have been brought up for a
for all the joy and T &
A we have given you guys over the years:-)
Sweet Jane
Hog Rock Reply
Jane, you make a good point. We assumed, apparently
incorrectly, that our most deserving hogettes would prefer to
remain inhognito. Since you apparently have
no such reservations, we have two awards for you. Hogette
challenges to the second award are welcomed.
1. Hog Photog of the Decade
For your great work capturing the Grand Opening, Grand
Reopening and Grand Closing.
2. Best Breasts
See below
