Myrtle Beach Buzz 2007
a good point. Whoever lives closest to them should collect their cash.
Also I feel they should chip in for buy drives and other sundry items.
Let’s make an eve 100 from each of them. I’m sure at that price they
really will feel like their there. I hate to see them miss out entirely.
PS: no checks unless there made out to Cash.
guys are being way too hard on poor old Tom. I’m sure he just had a
senior moment at the keyboard, visualizing his rounds at MB and going
into a trance after reaching into the hundreds. Based on a recent outing
with the legendary Real McVeigh this past August at the Jersey shore, I
was worried that the world record for total number of 7s during a round
would be in danger. No doubt someone will pick up the slack.
Had he followed the fifth Commandment of Boozus- “Thou shall drink until no germs stand before me”, he wouldn’t be in this mess. See WebMD under Injuries, Cures, drinking, Shane, Booze.
7 days and counting, Hogs are dropping faster than Bill Clinton’s fly at the White House.
higher power than Booze has informed me that if I get on the plane next
Thursday, that I should make it a one way trip. If you are willing to
support me for a couple of months in MB, then I will get on the plane. The
other message was for you all to have a good trip, great weather, and many
Myrtle moments.
See you all soon.
until we find out if Myrtle Beach has enough:
Captain Morgan for Jimmy and Doodle
machines for Shane
Water and Gatorade to keep Booze hydrated and
Enough range balls for Zip to play 4 rounds of golf
No Bitty, that's shitty None the less, I'm going and having a good time. Booze
Bitty Cent,
it ain't so! What would Myrtle Beach be without you giving everyone
shit all day and night? Can you at least cut a video DVD of insults
that we could play on a laptop where you give everyone shit? Give
us something!
This is great.....I love it. It is with great sadness however that
not all in this is true. Yes, I am a famous Gangsta Golfer. Yes, I
am one Bad Asshole. Among other things, I am called Fuckin' Bitty
Cent or Fuckin' Bitty. I still bounce my driver off the ground but
still hit the shit out of the ball and I am known all over the land
for my swing. Finally, my swing is as fucked up as I am. The
untrue part is that I will not be coming to Myrtle Beach this year
even though I would like to be there just to keep all of you from
drinking and getting into mischief. My bank has been purchased and
I will be employed by the new bank beginning July 1. However,
conversion is scheduled for Sept. 21 and even though I'm not
directly involved in conversion, I will need to be there in case
there are problems. I had sent an e-mail to Pink letting him know.
I know you hogs will continue to survive and I know you'll all say
"if he aint here, he won't be missed". I be watching the web for
pictures and reports.
With less than 100 days until Myrtle Beach, I would suggest you all
should think hard about sharpening up your games. Word is out that
Bitty Cent, the famous Gangsta' Golfer from the Pittsburgh area, is
making his plans to kick some ass at Myrtle Beach. . This guy is
reportedly one Bad Asshole! I understand that his associates call
him Fuckin' Bitty Cent or just Fuckin' Bitty. He has a unique way
of bouncing his driver on the ground behind his ball on his tee
shots before he hits it. He claims it's his signature swing. Most
people say his swing is almost as fucked up as he is. If you see
him, be prepared to be given a rash of shit.
You can call me Fuckin Bitty, you can call me Fuckee Bitty, you can call me Clitty Bitty, or whatever. Just remember......Bitty's Titty's has put you on the map (with some help from Zip and Macos as much as I hate to admit it) but when it comes to golf, only Mr. Golf can even come close to challenging me. If I could golf year round like Eddy Money, I'd probably be ranked ahead on Tiger Woods. All can say about your golf game is that it is rank. Bottom line's not about the's about the money.
Mr. Bitty
Note from Macos…. Good News… 30 weeks and counting! Can’t wait!
Here’s a reality check for you fuckers…!!
You’re shoveling the weather, your golf game still sucks, your hockey team is sweeping the cellar, and your idea of a hot weekend involves warming the car up before heading to Home Depot! Just fucking shoot me!
Imagine a world where… The weather is so fucking awesome (73° today) you can’t make time to play more than two rounds a week, your hockey team leads their division, and your wife happily sends you off for a weekend at the Miami Boat Show!
BTW – For all those interested… Spring training started this week!
Remember - You heard it hear first! GET OUT NOW! or Pull your chair up closer to the table for another helping of freeze-dried Hog!
Eddie Money