Myrtle Beach Trash Talk 2009 |
![]() F. Lee, Jimmy is a bitter man since
you pissed all over his drive at the Legends Parkland Scramble. He
just can't get a ball past 250, let alone near one of your 300-400
yarders. He goes on these drunken, venom spewing rants periodically
to compensation for his own short comings. I think you two need to
work this out. I suggest you two room together this year!
I can't believe that my
captain would abandon me.
While you guys were at the
open, I was in Myrtle getting everything ready for Jimmy.
Besides, sinking 2 30
footers for him last year in the scramble and chipping one to
with the distance that even Shane could sink the putt, I let him
out drive me on every hole.
What else can a faithful
follower do?
F. Lee
Sorry about my FB
networking but ever since I got back from the Bahamas and my
"surgery"...I am having trouble networking in the normal way.
Since no one else wants to get this started I might as well be the one. I am stuck here in Cleveland with a big wine buzz and somebody is going to pay for that.
Zip - Are you going to be there for more than a day? Make sure you bring the $25.
Will someone please forward this to the guys in Tampa. Hamels balked and we had a parade ... GET OVER IT!
Doc Wundy - Focus a little more on your patients and a little less on your Facebook page. Thanks for the invite but I don't do social networking as I refuse to believe anyone wants to acknowledge that they know someone as strange as myself. That is why I joined the Hogs. Last stop on the way to being a total social outcast. I could say more but I don't want to offend anyone. Let the games begin! Hog Rock Reporter Dave