Hogdom was shocked this week with news that asshole-extraordinaire Nixon has been banned from the Stables forever. And if you don’t believe forever, you don’t know Dungee.
To put this accomplishment in perspective, no Hog has ever been banned from the Stables in nearly forty years going back to the Stables Hogs volleyball teams of the early seventies.
Now the Hogs have to decide whether to dump Nixon into the Stables parking lot or dump the Stables. Hog Rock has interviewed several eyewitnesses for this in-depth investigation. What Really Happened
A-Reno broke the story with the following alert. “Nixon was flagged from the Stables last night. Hogs looking for a new home. Details to follow. I'm sure it wasn't Jeff's fault.”
Bloemer, judges Macos and Zip need you take the stand and testify your version of the story without leaving any details out. The judges need to hear what took pace with Dungy from someone not named Nixon. The jury is waiting for you before coming down with the verdict. And if Smutko was still there, you need to testify also. (Remember, you get full immunity the more you make Nixon out to be the asshole). This will be a historical chapter in the annals of the Hog Rock Cafe titled "What kind of asshole loses the Hogs charter after 30 years of business?"
Nixon's attorneys were no help to Nixon.
“The events leading up to the altercation between the business owner and the VIP (Very Intoxicated Patron) created whirlwind of negative energy that could ONLY result in banishment from such a fine institution as Stables Bar & Grill.” “After a poor showing at the dartboard, the VIP began slurring various profanities and making wild claims that “cigarette smoke in his eyes” was at fault for his less than competitive edge. The bar owner approached the VIP and warned that he would be removed from the property if his coarse behavior did not cease immediately.
Not being partial to discipline, the VIP responded with a torrid backlash of various threats and vulgar mumbles while a colorful blend of reggae and ska music carried through the stale air. The bar owner followed through with his promise and commanded that Nixon exit the premises, never to return again…. And then Nixon left.” “Amidst the pleas from fellow teammates Bloemer and Smutko that Dungee might look past Nixon’s behavior and allow him to return for our next Hog’s team meeting, the sound of an opening door was heard as Nixon came walking through the door, apparently undeterred by the ejection. His tail between his legs and the fire extinguished from his eyes, he begged for forgiveness. Despite the potential for financial shortcomings he might suffer in the coming months, Dungee would not budge from his decision and Nixon was doomed to never to see the inside of Stables Bar and Grill again.”
“While pleading the case for our beloved Nixon the owner did state this stemmed from a previous event... our late-night appearance at the Stables following the Hogs Hooters X-mas party. Apparently in a less than "under his breath" voice (we are talking about Nix, go figure) disparaging comments were made about the owner, his lack of team support financially and alcoholically, and most likely some fat jokes.” “The owner concluded this was not a singular incident but in fact the accumulation of Nixon over the years. After what had to be 15 minutes of John and I pleading Nixon's case it was evident that Dungee would not budge and we smoked one more in the parking lot, possibly Nixon's new post-game home.”
Asshole of the Decade or Just an Asshole?
Areno continues. “I'm going to reschedule my planned trip to see the Pyramids and the Rock of Gilbralter. Rather than wait until I retire 10 years from now, We better get there before Nixon; who knows what they will look like, or even if they would still exist after his visit. It's like farting in an elevator...He gets off and walks away, and the rest have to put up with his stink.