feel anyone with three nicknames is worth listening to. This is a
good suggestion and would remove the Incubus Macos from the Hallowed
Hall. Seriously Mister Gorbachev tear down that wall.
Dan Doogie Sommers
- ROY - 1983, Batting Title Winner - 1990

Hey Zip, As I've said
before I am honored to be inducted in the inaugural class of the
Hogs Hall of Fame, but I'm disappointed by all the controversy
surrounding Areno and Macos.
Of course there is no
doubt that Areno belongs but you have to admit zero home runs in
1672 at-bats is an incredibly embarrassing accomplishment. Even a
blind squirrel catches an acorn sooner or later.
But I have to agree that
Macos has no business in the Players Branch of the Hogs Hall
of Fame. At least you didn't embarrass Andy given his woeful
lifetime stats by putting him in the Players Branch. The
Executive Branch gave Andy well-deserved recognition for his
contribution to the Hogs. But unless you rename this branch
Executives and Buffoons this doesn't work for Macos who certainly
was no executive. Perhaps we should just gave him a Lifetime
Achievement Award like they do in Hollywood? It basically means
that you aren't Hall of Fame worthy but you played so many years
that we feel obligated to give you something.
Elmer The Straw ,
Tickle Me Elmo, Nightmare
Zip, Just saw the Hogs Encyclopedia at the Hogs annual get together
for March Madness. Great job putting that encyclopedia together.
Can’t wait to get my copy. It was an honor to be elected to the Hogs
Hall o Fame Inaugural Class of 2016. It’s awesome to be in the class
with the Inductees. I’m just thankful that I have a home run in my
Hogs career to avoid any controversy - unlike Areno.
Elmer Strawman
- Hall of Fame, Batting
Title - 1996, 97, 98, 1999
zip, Great job on the encyclopedia!! Andy just told me the story
about the missing/found 2009 stats. It must have been meant to
be! Can you mail one to Elmer? Thanks man!
Chris Pung Jr. Rugh
- 2009, 2015, Triple Crown - 2009
an honor to be elected to the HHOF. As you pointed out earlier you
did a great job on the Encyclopedia. I have one question. Will my
number be retired at the Hog's Open?
Mike Eggy
- Hall of Fame, Player of
the Decade - 1980s, MVH - 1984, Triple Crown - 1984
of travesties you better check the 1990 MVH. BA, OPS, OBA and
slugging percentage for D Sommers yet somehow T Sommers wins the MVH.
I assume that's the wrong first initial. Like you needed another MVH?
Dan Doogie Sommers
- ROY - 1983, Batting Title Winner - 1990, Should Have Been MVH -
sure Areno would have hit a home run in the game he missed to see
the Moody Blues.
Bruce Booze
If being the team leading heckler will get you into the HHOF then I
want out. What an embarrassment to the entire organization. Next
thing you know players that have never hit a home run will be
John Pung Rugh
- Hall of Fame, Player of
the Decade - 1980s, MVH - 1981, 93, 94, Triple Crown - 1994
Zip, just wanted to point a couple things left out of my HOF
credentials. I am also 3 time Cy Hog winner as well as only player
to win ROY, MVH, & CY HOG.
Noel the Ahoel McNew - Hall of Fame, Player of the
Decade - 2000s, ROY - 1999, MVH - 2000, 02, 03
on the remarkable encyclopedia. It is a work to be proud of tainted
only by the curious inclusion of Candy Cummings Macos in the Hall of
Fame. His novelty inclusion diminishes the greatness of legendary
worthy hogs such as yourself. All the Macos stuff aside, the
encyclopedia really is an amazing piece of work.
Dan Doogie Sommers
- ROY - 1983, Batting Title Winner - 1990
- It has been a long time since you have dusted off the role as team
statistician, but it is clear you have not lost any of your skills
or attention to detail.
Dave Macos
MacFarland - Hall of Fame
- Thanks for the encyclopedia. I was really not expecting to be at
the top for all time batting average! Really made my day. Little
Pung is totally going to pass me once he has enough at bats. Just
keep this the last update ever!!!
Charley The Tool
Bloemer - MVH - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2012, Triple Crown - 2006,
2007, ROY - 2003
Encyclopedia Zip! Thanks brother. See you at the outing or maybe
Josh Babe Bucci -
Player of the Decade (so far) 2010s, MVH - 2011, 2013