June 23, 2000- by
Record Attendance at the
Columbia Hotel 2000 Luncheon
Hogs Open to Change Venue
It’s official, for the first time in 20 years the Hogs Open will not be held at the venerable and challenging Meadowbrook Golf Course. Golfmeister and holder of “The Eagle Ball”, Areno (The Man, The Legend) is changing locations due to the early response of so many interested golfers. The location will be the Mountainous Pickering Valley Golf Club on Whitehorse Road just outside Phoenixville, PA. Areno has challenged everyone with a new course for the new millenium. He wants to remind everyone that “Areno Rules will still be in effect!”
Interested Hogs Open Attendees
can contact:
Areno (The Man, The Legend)
Email: Areno1414@aol.com
Phone: 610-265-1038
Write: 517 Dartmouth Dr.
King of Prussia, PA 19406
What is an Areno Rule?
For the uneducated, Webster defines “Areno Rules” as any arbitrary decision, stupid rationalization, or pathetic excuse by Steve “Areno” Centrella to improve his golf score. Here’s a slice of Arenoisms:
- Since this is not Silicon Valley, Micro Chips don’t count!
- It’s always safer to putt out of a trap.
- It’s OK to reposition or advance your ball as long as you use your foot.
- Golf Balls cannot defy gravity. If a ball starts to go into a hole and comes back out, the putt will count.
- If anything or anyone distracts you while swinging, you can advance the ball to where you think it would have landed.