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Areno’s  Eagle

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             It was a beautiful day for golf.  It was the middle of September 1985 at the prestigious Green Pond Country Club located on pleasant rolling hills by the outskirts of Bethlehem, PA.  Little did the quiet Club realize that day that Areno was going to put them on the map and into the historic annals of Hog Golflore.

            The BEAM…ers  (Bolts, Eggs, Areno and Macos) took their golf game on a road trip that day and they  were joined by Gary ‘Smorgess’ Borger and others on location.

            They were on the 4th hole…An extremely difficult 280 yard par four with a very narrow up and down fairway, dog-leg to the right with the harsh turn lined by towering  trees on the right to prevent short-cuts.  The green was elevated and surrounded by sand traps protecting the front and right corners of the green.

            Areno, as usual, teed off first. ( He must have won the previous hole)   The flight of his tee shot, off of a 5 wood, followed the fairway perfectly with a slight slice staying over the center of the fairway and came to rest approximately 90 yards from the flag. After waiting patiently for the rest of his foursome to get back onto the fairway after their drives, Areno prepared to take his second shot. A shot that would go down in Hog History. It was an uphill shot to a small green, with the flag hidden from his sight. He selected to go  with a 9 iron realizing that the ball had to carry the front bunker and then hold the green. His swing plane was never more accurate as he attacked the green with precision.  The flight trajectory of the ball turned out perfect as his shot carried the menacing sandtraps and bounced softly on the edge of the green.  Because the flag was cut in the most difficult quadrant of the green, only a perfect shot would allow him a birdie attempt for his next shot…But that birdie attempt would not be necessary.  After landing, the ball rolled gently upon the undulating green , flowed gently toward the target and eventually disappeared into the cup.

At first his foursome tried to deny Areno the pleasure of his accomplishment claiming his ball was lost, but Areno would not be denied.  Scooping his high visibility orange ball from the bottom of the cup,  Areno waved his arms in majestic arcs signifying the great soaring ‘Eagle’.  His golf partners now duplicate  this gesture after merely making common birdies. ( They also have been made ill ever since, because of Areno’s bragging rights)


Areno sums it up…’Eagles’ they’re not for everyone!

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