I want to share with you my experiences which began three years ago since accidentally accessing your HOGROCKCAFE website. My life has been inexplicably altered as a result, and my fervent hope is that you will use this information and act accordingly.
Allow me to explain. As an unsuspecting seeker of information, querying GOOGLE for ham recipes to prepare for my family, I had the misfortune to stumble into your crenellated website.
Crenellated Website
Disregarding ham recipes, I became fascinatingly flabbergasted, appalled and frankly drawn like a moth to flame upon the material I encountered since my first "experience".
Only recently have I been officially released from the inpatient/outpatient psychiatric facility from which I was incarcerated at the behest of my unlicked husband, agitated children and frenzied dogs.
My medication is wearing thin at this point, so I will have to interrupt my extol, such as I imagine you all have experienced at the tergiversation into your alcoholic (or is it assHAWGlic?) due diligence.
Utterly stupefied,
in West Chester