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Hog Rock Cafe
Spirits Correspondent


Dear Booze:

Although I am not a drinker, I still enjoy entertaining my friends.  Please tell me the best time of day to serve beverages, and the beverage(s) that you recommend.


Los Angeles, CA

Non-Drinker George

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Dear George:

I believe that any time you are awake is a good time for a beverage, a/k/a stiff drink.  My beverage of choice is Johnny Walker scotch, which offers a variety of blends—Red, Black, Gold, and Blue.  I always keep a variety on hand, which I refer to as my rainbow collection.

Booze's Rainbow Collection

Naturally, it is polite to open with your finest scotch, which would be the Blue.

Start With Blue

However, at $150 a bottle I switch quickly to the Black for the second drink, and the Red for anything thereafter.

Then Switch to Black

If your friends are anything like mine, they won’t know the difference or  remember anything after being entertained. The poet/romantic in me prefers Red in the morning and at dusk, as in “red skies in morning sailors take warning, red skies at night sailors delight”.

Take Red in the Morning

Just substitute “scotch” for “skies” and you get my drift.  Naturally, Black is the choice after dark.  Gold, as it suggests, should be served on special occasions only, especially if sexual favors are involved.

Take Gold For Sexual Favors Only

A special pleasure can be derived from a summer rain resulting in a rainbow, which should be celebrated by a shot of every color.

I wish you good times and good buzzes, and remember Booze’s Law:  When the going gets tough, go drinking.

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Home Up Great Conception Error Unspoken Hog Sayings Sculptured Bodies-Flea Low Net Worth Moron Misspent Youth Biggest A-Hole Title The Real Deal A-Hole Jackass Glammer You're All A-Holes Asshollicly Challenged Double Porcine Laurels Hog Action Figures Franco Responds Hog Fountain of Youth Skywalker Buffy L&F-Sam Levin What About Hoggeritis More Dick Wise Mr. Macos Booze On Booze Jailhouse Top Ten List A-Hole Top Ten List Exorcise Hoggeritis-Phil