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Subj: Wise Mr. Macos
11/26/01 7:19:28 PM
MacFarlandD (Macos)
To: TomSommers@aol.com (Zip)


I recently got the attached letter from Ryan Sommers, the son of Dan "Doc Quack" Sommers, responding to his sister's letter to your website.  I am sharing this with you to let you know the kind of man that your brother has become.  I am sending this to you in confidence and would ask that you not publish this on your website for fear that it will only cause that mental patient of a brother of yours to get even more desperate.

Sick Mental Patient

The man is sick.  I implore you to get him some help!  If you think publishing this will help him get the help he needs, I will leave that up to your judgment, as his brother.

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Brainwashed By
Communist Father

Wise Mr. Macos,

Please do not be fooled by the leftist dribbling of my pinko-sister.  Both she and I have been unmercifully brainwashed by my father's constant leftist ideology since our birth.  Fortunately, I have been able to escape to the truth of compassionate conservatism through you and my Uncle Tom's insightful commentaries.  Unfortunately, my communist father is grooming my sister as a future Manchurian Candidate hoping to take out George W. Bush and those that would restore peace to our world. 

Through your words, I have come to appreciate the wise approach of the compassionate conservatives.  Was not Lincoln the original compassionate conservative who was no less than the father of the Republican Party? 

The Original
Compassionate Conservative

Is he to be compared to Hitler?  Did the Berlin wall not go up during a liberal administration and come tumbling down under a conservative one? Putting Mussolini and Timothy McVeigh in the same sentence with the modern day Messiah Ronald Reagan is tantamount to treason.

Modern Day Messiah

Sadly, my father and his kind would subrogate the nation with the kind of ideology that has put some of the greatest butchers of the century into power.  Every liberal dupe in the world has fallen for that same altruistic bullshit, only to have the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot butcher them while they formed their new elitist class.

Well Known Liberal Butchers

The cynicism in my father's world is his desire to build a world of entitlement on the backs of the true working people of our country.  He talks a good game, but he still believes that pro bono means listening to Sonny and Cher albums.

Closest Doc Quack
Gets to Pro Bono

While others rushed to Lower Manhattan on September 11th, he sat home sipping his Chardonnay into his nightly stupor.  When I asked him if he would go to New York to help, he shot off one of his many cold and flippant comments, "Let them eat dust.  Now bring me another bottle, I've got to get ready for work!"

Let Them Eat Dust

The man has the conscience of an executioner and has butchered more people at Grandview than a turkey farmer at Thanksgiving.  You have every right to demonize him.  He is every bit of the snake that you described.  Bless you, and keep up your great work.

Your loyal admirer,

Ryan Sommers

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