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by Booze, Jammer & Areno - Feb. 2001

Flea "No thanks, I've had enough to eat."

McDade:  "Can I borrow your comb?"

Booze:  "Man, it's a great feeling to be Hog of the Year."
"I know I testified the opposite way last week, but that was a different client."

Dirt:  "The price of tickets for Opening Day this year will be lower."

Fukner:  "Wow, what a great party, and I didn't break anything."

Benny"      "

Jammer:  "I'm sorry that I stole The Belt."
"Let's save tonight's leftovers for tomorrow."

F. Lee Saltzman: "Your Honor, my client is guilty as hell."
"Sorry, I can't defend you, you're lying."
"Sorry, I can't help you, that would be unscrupulous."

Dale Jones:  "Man, this Jenny Craig diet is great."

Rock:   "I wish I could get a real 9 to 5 job."

Doogie/Doc Quack:  "Let's give this poor, homeless person free medical care."
"I would never write that. It's self-serving."

Zip:  "Miss, your breasts are showing.  Please button up your blouse."
"No thanks; I've had too many already."
"You better save that last joint for another day."

Sly:  "I am not an asshole, its just that I attract assholes.
In fact, if assholes were airplanes, I'd be a freakin' airport."

Macos:  "I can't print that, it might embarrass him."
"Since it will help the softball team win, I'll take a walk."

Kat:  "I wouldn't consider it, I'm a married man." 

Rico:  "I'm sorry miss, you can't work here until you're 18."
"I didn't know they were illegal aliens. I only have their best interests in mind."

Marty:  "Sorry, I can't eat that, I'm Jewish."
"Blackholes, Wormholes, A-holes there's really no difference." 

Areno:  "Sorry, we're all out of White Owls. How about a Cohiba?"

Pink:  "I'll meet you for a few beers, but I'll be the last one to arrive."

Eggs:  "That's out of bounds. I'll take a penalty stoke and distance."

Pung:  "Sure it's outdated design and shoddy craftsmanship,
but I never have repeat customers to worry about."

Wendel:  "Shut up Camille, I said I'm going out with the guys tonight and that's final."

Mik:  "Sorry, Jammer can't play golf today, he's fixing the roof."

Pidge:  "Booze will never come out of the closet."

Judy:  "You must be mistaken, my Tom would never do that."

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